about   11 comments


We are Jennifer, Gaurav and Akash. Welcome to our nature diary.


We live in our little nook of suburban Boston, in a town called Sharon. We are lucky enough to have a little patch of woods behind our back lawn, a lake a few houses down, and some parks a few miles away.


As we destroy our wild heritage, what surrounds us is changing.  Our view outside was once a window that explored a limitless and uncanny dimension; today, it’s a mirror that reflects our own face back at us, in carefully tended grass lawns, paved streets, concrete buildings.  We have such a short time on this earth: to pass this span in a house with no windows would be a great tragedy.

This diary is a report of what we can see by pressing a face to the glass.  Even in the suburbs, there lives a wildness.  The house we live in, the lawn that we tend, the woods that survive, are still a universe for some population.  Let’s appreciate what we find.


This blog started as our family nature blog. Later on, I merged my photography blog onto it, which overwhelmed the previous one in terms of number of posts. This means that it contains some posts that are simply nature photographs (on a larger or smaller scale), and other posts that are more involved in learning about the creatures photographed. Look carefully enough and you’ll even find a few photographs that have nothing to do with nature, but they’re pretty rare.

My objective in taking and sharing these photos is to, in the end, be able to look back at the world with different eyes. To this end, I try to minimize excessive photo processing.

The post https://alittlewild.wordpress.com/2010/10/16/drama/ was especially notable, as it became a trending topic on Twitter for a while, and got approx 250,000 page views in 24 hours. Unusual considering the characters in the post were a spider and a millipede!

And here’s a little tribute to someone I respect a lot, David Attenborough: https://alittlewild.wordpress.com/2010/10/01/mayfly/ .

Also, I now have another blog, which features mostly my writing.  Please do check it out: http://edgeofthecircle.net/ .

Posted 2014-06-09 by gaurav1729

11 responses to “about

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  1. So I see that you’ve followed my blog and, as always, I go and check out your blog, and I get caught up in that insect death battle knowing full well that both of these creatures are among the scariest things on earth to me. Thanks. Haha – truly fascinating read! And thanks for visiting my boring old blog where the only insects are ones impaled on sticks in an Asian night market!

  2. Welcome to the site! I certainly enjoyed yours.

  3. I am pleased that you found the blog where I write about photography. I am sure you noticed that Photography is the only subject I discuss.
    Now that I know about you I intend to spend some time looking at and reading my way through your site.

  4. Thanks for finding my blog as it meant I got to check out yours. Wonderful pics! 🙂

  5. Thanks for the follow on my own humble wee blog Guarav1729, greatly appreciated and you are all warmly welcomed aboard. Good to see a common here and legend featured here – Sir David Attenborough. So understated, so wonderful and I agree that there is so much out there if only we open our eyes. Have a fun, bug filled weekend. MM 🍀

  6. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I’ve enjoyed viewing yours, but couldn’t find any place to like the various pages. It’s great.

    • I’m glad you liked it. I’m not sure why you were unable to “like” the pages, but wordpress technical details can be complicated. In any case, the important thing is that you enjoy them, as I’ve enjoyed viewing your blog, too!

  7. Hi there, was in Boston recently and just loved the trees. Amazing and Boston seems to be a pretty laid back place. Glad to see we have a mutual hero in Sir David. Like the blog, MM 🍀

  8. Thanks for following my blog. In the meantime I have also looked at your blog and it really appeals to me. I would love to be able to follow you. Kind regards from Belgium, Rudi

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